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Assembly Source File
676 lines
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TITLE MSCOMM -- Module to handle all packet communications
; Update 2 Jan 86
%OUT >> Starting pass 1
%OUT >> Starting pass 2
public data, spack, rpack, portval, port1, port2, hierr
include msdefs.h
gettim equ 2CH ; Get the time of day.
maxlp equ 500 ; Use as number of times to loop (in inchr).
true equ 1
false equ 0
mntrgl equ bufsiz/4 ; Low point = 1/4 of the way full.
maxpack equ 60H ; largest packet we can handle
EXTRN Flags:byte, trans:byte, pack:byte, count:word, xofsnt:byte
temp dw 0
pktptr dw ? ; Position in receive packet.
incnt dw ? ; Number of chars read in from port.
loopct dw ? ; Loop counter.
time dw ? ; When we should timeout.
dw ? ; Want a double word
portval dw port1 ; Default is to use port 1.
crctab dw 00000H
dw 01081H
dw 02102H
dw 03183H
dw 04204H
dw 05285H
dw 06306H
dw 07387H
dw 08408H
dw 09489H
dw 0A50AH
dw 0B58BH
dw 0C60CH
dw 0D68DH
dw 0E70EH
dw 0F78FH
crctb2 dw 00000H
dw 01189H
dw 02312H
dw 0329BH
dw 04624H
dw 057ADH
dw 06536H
dw 074BFH
dw 08C48H
dw 09DC1H
dw 0AF5AH
dw 0BED3H
dw 0CA6CH
dw 0DBE5H
dw 0E97EH
dw 0F8F7H
port1 prtinfo <0FFFH,floxon,0,defpar,1,0,defhand>
port2 prtinfo <0FFFH,floxon,0,defpar,1,0,defhand>
hierr db 0 ; Non-ascii char (non-zero if yes).
spmes db 'Spack: $'
rpmes db 'Rpack: $'
crlf db cr,lf,'$'
CtrlEMsg db 'Protocol aborted with ^E$'
cemsg db 'Remote BTLink: Protocol aborted with ^E$'
tmp db ?,'$'
packet db ?,?,?,? ; Packet (data is part of it).
data db 5AH DUP(?) ; Data and checksum field of packet.
Data_2 DB 5Ah DUP(?) ; Place to copy data to
recpkt db maxpack DUP(?) ; Receive packet storage (use the following).
extrn prtchr:near, clrbuf:near, outchr:near
extrn sppos:near, biterr:near, intmsg:near
extrn clearl:near, rppos:near, errpack:near
EXTRN Say_aborted:NEAR, Show_warning:NEAR, Beep:NEAR
assume cs:code, ds:datas
; Packet routines
; Send_Packet
; This routine assembles a packet from the arguments given and sends it
; to the host.
; Expects the following:
; AH - Type of packet (D,Y,N,S,R,E,F,Z,T)
; ARGBLK - Packet sequence number
; ARGBK1 - Number of data characters
; Returns: +1 always
spack: push ax ; Save the packet type.
call clrbuf ; Clear the input buffer. [20e]
mov bx,offset packet ; Get address of the send packet.
mov ah,trans.ssoh ; Get the start of header char.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
mov ax,pack.argbk1 ; Get the number of data chars.
xchg ah,al
mov al,trans.chklen ; Length of checksum.
dec al ; Extra length of checksum.
add ah,' '+3 ; Real packet character count made printable.
add ah,al ; Account for checksum length in count.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
mov ch,0 ; For the 16 bit checksum.
mov cl,ah ; Start the checksum.
mov ax,pack.argblk ; Get the packet number.
add al,' ' ; Add a space so the number is printable.
mov [bx],al ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
add cx,ax ; Add the packet number to the checksum.
pop ax ; Get the packet type.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
mov al,0
xchg ah,al
add cx,ax ; Add the type to the checksum.
mov dx,pack.argbk1 ; Get the packet size.
spack2: cmp dx,0 ; Are there any chars of data?
jz spack3 ; No, finish up.
dec dx ; Decrement the char count.
mov al,[bx] ; Get the next char.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
mov ah,0
add cx,ax ; Add the char to the checksum.
cmp al,0
jns spack2
cmp hierr,0ffH ; Printed message already?
je spack2 ; Yes, then that's it.
push bx
push cx
push dx
call biterr
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
mov hierr,0FFH ; set err flag.
jmp spack2 ; Go try again.
spack3: cmp trans.chklen,2 ; What kind of checksum are we using.
je spackx ; 2 characters.
jg spacky ; 3 characters.
mov ah,cl ; 1 char: get the character total.
mov ch,cl ; Save here too (need 'cl' for shift).
and ah,0C0H ; Turn off all but the two high order bits.
mov cl,6
shr ah,cl ; Shift them into the low order position.
mov cl,ch
add ah,cl ; Add it to the old bits.
and ah,3FH ; Turn off the two high order bits. (MOD 64)
add ah,' ' ; Add a space so the number is printable.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
jmp spackz ; Add EOL char.
spacky: mov al,0 ; Get a null.
mov [bx],al ; To determine end of buffer.
push bx ; Don't lose our place.
mov bx,offset packet+1 ; First checksummed character.
call crcclc ; Calculate the CRC.
pop bx
push cx
mov ax,cx ; Manipulate it here.
and ax,0F000H ; Get 4 highest bits.
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl ; Shift them over 4 bits.
add ah,' ' ; Make printable.
mov [bx],ah ; Add to buffer.
inc bx
pop cx ; Get back checksum value.
spackx: push cx ; Save it for now.
and cx,0FC0H ; Get bits 6-11.
mov ax,cx
mov cl,6
shr ax,cl ; Shift them bits over.
add al,' ' ; Make printable.
mov [bx],al ; Add to buffer.
inc bx
pop cx ; Get back the original.
and cx,003FH ; Get bits 0-5.
add cl,' ' ; Make printable.
mov [bx],cl ; Add to buffer.
inc bx
spackz: mov ah,trans.seol ; Get the EOL the other host wants.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
inc bx ; Point to next char.
mov ah,0 ; Get a null.
mov [bx],ah ; Put in the packet.
cmp flags.debug,0 ; debug mode.
je spack4
inc bx
mov ah,'$'
mov [bx],ah
call sppos
call clearl ; Clear to end of line.
mov dx,offset crlf
mov ah,prstr
int dos
call clearl ; Next line too.
call sppos ; Reposition cursor.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset spmes
int dos
mov dx,offset packet
mov ah,prstr
int dos ; debug end.
spack4: call outpkt ; Call the system dependent routine.
jmp r
jmp rskp
; Write out a packet
mov dh,trans.spad ; Get the number of padding chars.
outpk2: dec dh
cmp dh,0
jl outpk3 ; If none left proceed.
mov ah,trans.spadch ; Get the padding char.
call outchr ; Output it.
jmp r ; Say we failed. [25]
jmp outpk2
outpk3: mov bx,offset packet ; Point to the packet.
outlup: mov ah,[bx] ; Get the next character.
cmp ah,0 ; Is it a null?
jnz outlp2
jmp rskp
outlp2: call outchr ; Output the character.
jmp r
inc bx ; Increment the char pointer.
jmp outlup
; Calculate the CRC. Returns the CRC in CX. Destroys: BX, AX.
crcclc: push dx
push si
mov dx,0 ; Initial CRC value is 0.
crc0: mov al,[bx] ; Get the first char of the string.
cmp al,0 ; If null, then we're done.
je crc1
inc bx
xor al,dl ; Xor input with lo order byte of CRC.
mov ah,al ; Get a copy.
and ah,0F0H ; Get hi 4 bits.
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl ; Right justify.
and al,0FH ; Get lo 4 bits.
push bx
mov si,offset crctb2 ; Low portion of CRC factor.
mov bh,0
mov bl,al
add bl,al ; Get word index.
mov cx,[si+bx] ; Low portion.
mov si,offset crctab ; High portion of CRC factor.
mov bh,0
mov bl,ah
add bl,ah ; Get word index.
mov bx,[si+bx]
xor bx,cx ; Add the two.
mov cl,8
shr dx,cl ; Shift CRC 8 bits to the right.
xor dx,bx ; XOR table value and CRC.
pop bx ; Retrieve index.
jmp crc0
crc1: mov cx,dx ; Return it in CX.
pop si
pop dx
; Receive_Packet
; This routine waits for a packet arrive from the host. It reads
; chars until it finds a SOH.
call inpkt ; Read up to a carriage return.
jmp r ; Return bad.
rpack0: call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp SHORT RPack ; No SOH in this "packet", try the next [tm]
nop ; Make it 3 bytes long
; jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jne rpack0 ; No, go until it is.
rpack1: call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jz rpack1 ; Yes, then go start over.
mov ch,0 ; For 16-bit checksum.
mov cl,al ; Start the checksum.
mov ah,0
mov pack.argbk1,ax ; Save the data count.
call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jz rpack1 ; Yes, then go start over.
mov ah,0
add cx,ax ; Add it to the checksum.
sub al,' ' ; Get the real packet number.
mov ah,0
mov pack.argblk,ax ; Save the packet number.
call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jz rpack1 ; Yes, then go start over.
mov ah,0
mov temp,ax ; Save the message type. [11]
add cx,ax ; Add it to the checksum.
%OUT >> About half way through source file
; Start of change.
; Now determine block check type for this packet. Here we violate the layered
; nature of the protocol by inspecting the packet type in order to detect when
; the two sides get out of sync. Two heuristics allow us to resync here:
; a. An S packet always has a type 1 checksum.
; b. A NAK never contains data, so its block check type is LEN-2.
push cx
mov cl,al
mov ax,pack.argbk1 ; Get back the size.
sub al,34 ; unchar(len) - 2, for SEQ & TYPE fields.
mov ah,trans.chklen ; Checksum length we expect.
cmp cl,'S' ; Is this an "S" packet?
jne rpk0 ; Nope.
mov ah,1 ; Yes, use 1 char checksum.
rpk0: cmp cl,'N' ; Is this a NAK?
jne rpk1 ; Nope.
mov ah,al ; So, len - 2 is checksum type.
rpk1: mov trans.chklen,ah ; Then, this is the chksum length.
sub al,ah ; Real size of data.
mov dh,al ; Need it here.
mov ah,0
mov pack.argbk1,ax ; And here.
pop cx
; End of change.
mov bx,offset data ; Point to the data buffer.
rpack2: dec dh ; Any data characters?
js rpack3 ; If not go get the checksum.
call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jz rpack1 ; Yes, then go start over.
mov [bx],al ; Put the char into the packet.
inc bx ; Point to the next character.
mov ah,0
add cx,ax ; Add it to the checksum.
jmp rpack2 ; Go get another.
rpack3: call getchr ; Get a character.
jmp r ; Hit the carriage return, return bad.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Is the char the start of header char?
jnz rpk3x
jmp rpack1 ; Yes, then go start over.
rpk3x: sub al,' ' ; Turn the char back into a number.
cmp trans.chklen,2 ; What checksum length is in use.
je rpackx ; Two character checksum.
jg rpacky ; Three character CRC.
mov dh,cl ; 1 char - get the character total.
and dh,0C0H ; Turn off all but the two high order bits.
mov ch,cl
mov cl,6
shr dh,cl ; Shift them into the low order position.
mov cl,ch
add dh,cl ; Add it to the old bits.
and dh,3FH ; Turn off the two high order bits. (MOD 64)
cmp dh,al ; Are they equal?
jz rpack4 ; If so finish up.
jmp rpack6 ; No, we fail.
rpacky: mov tmp,al ; Save value from packet here.
mov ah,0 ; Three character CRC.
push bx
mov bx,pktptr ; Where we are in the packet.
dec bx
mov [bx],ah ; Add null to signify end of buffer.
mov bx,offset recpkt+1 ; Where data for CRC is.
call crcclc ; Calculate the CRC and put into CX.
pop bx
push cx
mov ax,cx ; Manipulate it here.
and ax,0F000H ; Get 4 highest bits.
mov cl,4
shr ah,cl ; Shift them over 4 bits.
pop cx ; Get back checksum value.
cmp ah,tmp ; Is what we got == what we calculated?
jne rpack6
call getchr ; Get next character of checsum.
jmp r ; Failed.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Restarting?
jz rpack7
sub al,' ' ; Get back real value.
rpackx: mov tmp,al ; Save here for now.
push cx ; Two character checksum.
and cx,0FC0H ; Get bits 6-11.
mov ax,cx
mov cl,6
shr ax,cl ; Shift them bits over.
pop cx ; Get back the original.
cmp al,tmp ; Are they equal?
jne rpack6 ; No, we fail.
call getchr ; Get last character of checsum.
jmp r ; Failed.
cmp al,trans.rsoh ; Restarting?
jz rpack7
sub al,' ' ; Get back real value.
and cx,003FH ; Get bits 0-5.
cmp al,cl ; Do the last chars match?
jne rpack6
rpack4: mov ah,0
mov [bx],ah ; Put a null at the end of the data.
mov ax,temp ; Get the type. [11]
xchg al,ah ; Packet type should be in AH.
jmp rskp
rpack6: ret
rpack7: jmp rpack1 ; For the jump out of range.
mov bl,flags.cxzflg ; Remember original value. [20b]
mov tmp,bl ; Store it here. [20b]
inpkt1: mov bx,offset recpkt ; Point to the beginning of the packet.
mov incnt,0
cmp flags.timflg,0 ; Are timeouts turned off.
je inpkt2 ; Yes, so skip this stuff.
cmp trans.stime,0 ; Don't time out?
je inpkt2 ; Yes, so skip this stuff.
mov loopct,0 ; Use to check for timeout.
mov ah,gettim ; Get the time.
int dos
mov time,cx ; Save hours:minutes
mov time+2,dx ; Save seconds:hundreths
mov al,trans.stime ; Timeout when getting data
add BYTE PTR time+3, al ; If get to this time, then timeout
cmp BYTE PTR time+3, 59 ; Seconds over flow?
jle inpkt2 ; No
inc BYTE PTR time ; Bump the minutes
sub BYTE PTR time+3, 60 ; Pull back the seconds
inpkt2: call inchr ; Get a character.
jmp SHORT inpkt8 ; Return failure. [20b]
nop ; Make it three bytes long. [20b]
mov [bx],ah ; Put the char in the packet.
inc bx
inc incnt
cmp ah,trans.reol ; Is it the EOL char?
je inpkt3 ; ended by eol, keep going
cmp incnt,maxpack ; is it too big?
jbe inpkt2 ; no, keep going
jmp inpkt1 ; else just start over
inpkt3: cmp incnt,1 ; Ignore bare CR. [2 start]
je inpkt1
mov bp,portval
cmp ds:[bp].hndflg,0 ; Waiting for handshake?
jz inpkt5 ; If not then proceed.
inpkt4: call inchr ; Wait for the turn around char.
jmp inpkt8 ; Return failure. [20b]
nop ; Make it three bytes long. [20b]
mov bp,portval
cmp ah,ds:[bp].hands ; Is it the IBM turn around character?
jne inpkt4 ; If not, go until it is.
inpkt5: cmp flags.debug,0 ; In debug mode?
je inpkt6
mov ah,'$'
mov [bx],ah
call rppos
call clearl ; Clear to end of line.
mov dx,offset crlf
mov ah,prstr
int dos
call clearl ; Next line too.
call rppos ; Reposition cursor.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset rpmes
int dos
mov dx,offset recpkt
mov ah,prstr
int dos ; debug end.
inpkt6: mov bx,offset recpkt
mov pktptr,bx ; Save the packet pointer.
mov bl,tmp ; Get the original value. [20b]
cmp bl,flags.cxzflg ; Did ^X/^Z flag change? [20b]
je inpkt7 ; No
call inpkt8 ; Use our own "error" handler
inpkt7: jmp RSkp ; Exit cleanly
inpkt8: cmp flags.cxzflg,'C' ; Did the user type a ^C? [25]
jne inpkt9
mov pack.state,'A'
jmp Say_aborted ; Make noise and onscreen message, ret
inpkt9: cmp flags.cxzflg,'E' ; How about ^E?
jne inpk10 ; No just go on.
mov pack.state,'A' ; Aborting
mov dx, OFFSET CtrlEMsg ; Message about ^E
call Show_warning ; Display it
mov bx,offset cemsg ; Message for error packet.
jmp errpack ; Send an error packet, ret from there
inpk10: mov bl,tmp ; Get the original value. [20b]
cmp bl,flags.cxzflg ; Did ^X/^Z flag change? [20b]
je inpk11 ; If not, just return failure. [20b]
call intmsg ; Else, say we saw the interrupt. [20b]
inpk11: ret
; Get a character, or a keyboard interrupt, or a potential timeout
call prtchr ; Is there a character to read?
jmp inchr6 ; Got one.
mov dl,0FFH ; To read in a char.
mov ah,dconio ; Is a char on the console?
int dos
jz inchr2 ; If not go look for another char.
mov ah,al
cmp ah,cr ; Is it a carriage return?
je inchr5 ; If yes, then leave.
add ah,100q ; Make it printable. [25]
cmp ah,'Z' ; Control-Z? [20b]
je inchr1 ; Yes - flag it. [20b]
cmp ah,'X' ; Control-X? [20b]
je inchr1 ; Yes - flag it. [20b]
cmp ah,'E' ; Control-E?
je inchr1 ; Flag it and get rest of packet.
cmp ah,'C' ; Control-C? [25]
jne inchrNG ; No, go complain
mov flags.cxzflg,ah ; Save it. [25]
ret ; Return right away. [25]
inchr1: mov flags.cxzflg,ah ; Remember what we saw. [20b]
jmp SHORT inchr2 ; Continue getting input. [20b]
inchrNG: call Beep ; Some other character -- just beep
inchr2: cmp flags.timflg,0 ; Are timeouts turned off?
je inchr ; Yes, just check for more input.
cmp trans.stime,0 ; Doing time outs?
je inchr ; No, just go check for more input.
inc loopct
cmp loopct,maxlp ; Times to go without checking time
jl inchr ; Don't check yet
mov ah,gettim ; Get the current time.
int dos
cmp cx, time ; Check hours and minutes.
jg inchr5 ; Over the limit so fail.
jl inchr3 ; Under the limit, keep going.
cmp dx, time+2 ; Else, check seconds and hundreds of seconds.
jg inchr5 ; Return failure.
inchr3: mov loopct,0 ; Reset counter.
jmp inchr ; Try a bunch more times
inchr5: ret ; Done here
; We have a character from the port
inchr6: mov ah,al
mov bp,portval ; Point to current port structure.
cmp ds:[bp].parflg,parnon ; Is the parity none? [10]
je inchr7 ; We're done. [10]
and ah,7FH ; Turn off the parity bit.
inchr7: cmp ds:[bp].floflg,0 ; Doing any flow control?
jne inchr8 ; Yes, check it out.
jmp rskp ; No, just return the data.
inchr8: cmp xofsnt,true ; Have we sent flow char (XOFF)?
je inchr9 ; Yes.
jmp rskp ; No, just return.
inchr9: cmp count,mntrgl ; Under the low trigger point?
jb inchra ; Yes.
jmp rskp ; No, just return.
inchra: push ax
mov bp,portval
mov ax,ds:[bp].flowc ; Get flow control char (AH = XON, AL = XOFF).
call outchr ; Send it (XON).
mov xofsnt,false ; Turn off the flag.
pop ax
jmp rskp ; Return the character.
; Return next character in AL
push bx
mov bx,pktptr ; Get the packet pointer.
mov al,[bx] ; Get the char.
inc bx
mov pktptr,bx
pop bx ; Restore BX.
cmp al,trans.reol ; Is it the EOL char?
jne getcr2 ; If not return retskp.
ret ; If so return failure.
; jmp rskp
; Jumping to this location is like retskp. It assumes the instruction
; after the call is a jmp addr.
pop bp
add bp,3
push bp
; ret
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.